„Șampon pentru păr gras și cu mătreață Imperity MIDOLLO DI BAMBOO 250ml” has been added to your cart.
„Vopsea de păr Imperity Singularity 11.00 Blond Platinat / Platinum Blonde” has been added to your cart.
„Soluție pentru volum 3 in 1 SUPREM MAGIC LIQUID STYLING & (RE)STYLING Imperity SUPREM STYLE 150 ml” has been added to your cart.
„Vopsea de păr Imperity Singularity 10.02 Blond Platinat Perlat / Platinum Pearl Blonde” has been added to your cart.
„Vopsea de păr Imperity Singularity 11.10 Blond Cenușiu Platinat / Ash Platinum Blonde” has been added to your cart.
„Vopsea de păr Imperity Singularity 10.21 Blond Cenușiu Luminos – Argintiu Violet / Extra Light Ash Blonde – Violet Silver” has been added to your cart.
„Spray balsam bi-fazic Imperity SINGULARITY cu ulei de argan 150ml” has been added to your cart.
„Vopsea de păr Imperity Singularity 10.00 Neutru / Neutral” has been added to your cart.
„Vopsea de păr Imperity Singularity 11.11 Blond Cenușiu Platinat / Intense Ash Platinum Blonde” has been added to your cart.
„Vopsea de păr Imperity Singularity 11.02 Super Blond Platinat Perlat / Super Platinum Pearl Blonde” has been added to your cart.
„Vopsea de păr Imperity Singularity 10.1 Blond Platinat Cenușiu / Platinum Ash Blonde” has been added to your cart.
„Spray balsam bi-fazic Imperity SINGULARITY cu ulei de argan 500ml” has been added to your cart.
„Ojă pentru ștampilat alb – SP07 White” has been added to your cart.
Ojă pentru ștampilat negru Moyra SP06 Black